The art of thinking...

The art of thinking...

Friday, June 18, 2021

Maturita mistakes 2020 - better late than never

Maturita mistakes 2020 - better late than never

Before I post some of the finer mistakes from this year's Maturita, it occurred to me that I hadn't posted last year's honourable mentions - so, here they are! 
In the exams, grammar can be a frequent problem. In spite of many warnings, we still hear this: 'On the picture...'

Teacher: 'How much time did you spend on your homework?' Student: 'Probably less than I should.'
'In Canada, they have the famous beaver - Justin Beaver!'

And sometimes, context is so important:
'When I was ill, I was 2 weeks in bed with my grandma...' !!!!

An old favourite - hard to keep out of the exams! 
'Many informations...'

And sometimes, perhaps with the pressure & stress of the exam, some basic facts just get plain messed up...
'David Beckham, the famous tennis player...'

When talking about different languages:
'Sign language is for blind people...'

There are so many students who seem to have met famous writers, and have received the book directly FROM them!!
'I read a book from Hemingway.'

And when talking about food, one student informed us that...
'For breakfast, I have milk and snowflakes.'

We were also informed that...
'In Hudson Bay there is low gravity, so you can go there and lose weight!'

But seriously, sometimes students do educate me with information which I really didn't know before. For example, about the Library on US/Canada border 😊

And another student, when talking about Health problems, told us about the condition, known in Czech Republic, as 'Rosickyitis' 😊

And another old favourite...
'I like to listen music...'

(Meanwhile, inside me...)

And when discussing Shakespeare, remember to use the correct word...though, there might have been some truth in this statement...
'He was bored in Stratford upon Avon.'

When talking about travel:
'We can travel from France to England by berry.'

And finally, sometimes, it gets so tense 😀

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