The art of thinking...

The art of thinking...

Monday, January 16, 2012

Nowhere is now here...

Been a while since I posted...but some stories to catch up on ;-)
A few weeks before Christmas in one of the seminars, a young lady was reading a text which I was following...when suddenly she lost me! She said 'now here...' Confused, I asked her where she was reading was the same passage, but she'd read the word 'nowhere' as 'now here'!! :-) I found this not only very amusing, but also highly fact, I don't recall a single student doing that in my 5 and a bit years at SGO! We had a few laughs about it & I hoped she saw the funny side...of course, The Beatles had a famous song - 'Now Here Man'...and the Talking Heads also did 'Road to Now Here'...
In the very next lesson, I told the students that I'd just had an interesting experience. I wrote 'nowhere' on the blackboard and asked a young man at the front to say the word. To be honest, I really expected no problems...but quick as a flash, without so much as a blink, he said 'now here'!!! His friend next to him gave him a look which suggested he'd forgotten how to speak English and said 'It's 'nowhere'!' Cue more laughter...
What are the odds of that happening?!
Well, as Neil Young named one of his albums - 'Everybody Knows this is Nowhere'....

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