The art of thinking...

The art of thinking...

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

This time of the year...

What is this time of the year at SGO like for me? 
Well, as Gandalf says to Pippin - "It's the deep breath before the plunge..." 
Yes, Maturita oral exams are on the doorstep, but now is the lull...the waiting...and I've never really been good at waiting ;-)
This is the time of the year when most of my lessons have finished - yes - I have lost 10 hours a week since Last Bells came & went... But here at SGO, with 'freedom' comes 'unpredictability'. The regularity (which I get used to, and which I like) has now gone - and what looks like some free time to prepare for Maturita exams can suddenly be taken up with some 'suplovani' :-) But I'm not complaining about meeting new, and often younger,'s just that you can't really 'plan' for it - so I improvise a lot. 
But I also miss my classes - I have known most of the students for two years & over that time I have built up some rapport with them. But now it's gone...
On top of this, there is the new building. Almost from dawn till dusk (meaning the beginning and end of work ;-) ) - there is a monotonous drilling (which reaches into the deepest part of your brain, lodges there, and sort of numbs it...), banging & other sundry noises. I guess our 'kabinet' is not so well situated after all :-)
And the sun is shining! This is great news...but not when you're in an office for most of the day. I much prefer to teach...or examine ;-)
So...roll on next week, and let the games commence!! try correcting this ;-)

I quite often get some essays which are outstanding in both their content & quality - however, once in a while, I get something like this...although it has to be said, this is quite extreme.
I will not reveal the student's identity - but even though it was full of made me laugh - really out loud! I'm sure by the time you get to the end, you'll understand why... ;-)

Here is the essay, as I received it:

"I love food. Every day, i have got a breakfast. During the week-end, I eat a pastry with hemenex. For lunch, I prefere a meet with potatos and for dinner, i prefer a vegetables.
I have got the most favorite three foods. I like a chicken with cheese and peach. My sekond favorite food is pizza. I like i pizza Hawai. It's a pizza with annas. My third favorite food is duck with cabbage. My mum cuck a duck durning Chritmas feasts. I hate a mashrooms and a tomato. My favorite word cuisine is French cuisne. I really like a cheeses. In French, there are a lot of types cheeses and in French, there is excellent creeps šitin chocolate. This is very good."

After such an experience...I can only refer to the Master...Stanislav...over to you ;-)

Teacher SGO

Teacher SGO