The art of thinking...

The art of thinking...

Wednesday, May 15, 2013 try correcting this ;-)

I quite often get some essays which are outstanding in both their content & quality - however, once in a while, I get something like this...although it has to be said, this is quite extreme.
I will not reveal the student's identity - but even though it was full of made me laugh - really out loud! I'm sure by the time you get to the end, you'll understand why... ;-)

Here is the essay, as I received it:

"I love food. Every day, i have got a breakfast. During the week-end, I eat a pastry with hemenex. For lunch, I prefere a meet with potatos and for dinner, i prefer a vegetables.
I have got the most favorite three foods. I like a chicken with cheese and peach. My sekond favorite food is pizza. I like i pizza Hawai. It's a pizza with annas. My third favorite food is duck with cabbage. My mum cuck a duck durning Chritmas feasts. I hate a mashrooms and a tomato. My favorite word cuisine is French cuisne. I really like a cheeses. In French, there are a lot of types cheeses and in French, there is excellent creeps šitin chocolate. This is very good."

After such an experience...I can only refer to the Master...Stanislav...over to you ;-)

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