The art of thinking...

The art of thinking...

Friday, January 31, 2014

...and learning in other lessons can be unhealthy!

During the course of this past week, health has been on my mind a one gets older, one (using the royal term 'one') gets more aches and pains, has more operations, and some parts of the body disappear never to be seen again...

However, much as I was encouraged by a student telling me of her headache being cured in my lesson, I also heard a couple of other disturbing stories...

Apparently, one young girl broke her leg in a PE lesson. I'm certain that such an incident has happened before, but even so, PE is a risky business. Interestingly, in the same class, another girl apparently broke her leg, or ankle, by slipping on some ice this last week...dropping like flies! :-O

But the more dramatic incidents concern lungs. One young man, a very tall dancer, experienced what seems to be a collapsed lung, though I don't think it was at school...BUT, there WAS one at school!
The other young man was in a Social Sciences lesson (ZSV) and his friend told him something funny. He laughed SO hard that his lung collapsed!!
Wow! Funny as some of my lessons can be, I have never had that happen to a student. Indeed, my lessons are quite healthy, I think :-)

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