The art of thinking...

The art of thinking...

Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Maturita funnies 2017 - Part 2

And so to the 2nd installment of this year's Maturita funnies:
Canada & Australia is always a good source for amusing misinformation:
‘’Kiwis live in Australia.’ - Well, can YOU spot the Kiwi?? :)
On describing a scene from a Shakespearean classic:
"Juliet was speaking from the balcony & didn't know that she (Romeo!) was there in the bushes below..."

No mistake here, but still an amusing insight :-)
"I was born in a house in Prostejov which later became an old people's home, and I will probably end up there!" just can't find the right word, can you?
"The river is very shadow." - Seems like the vocabulary was a little bit shallow :-) 
Oh those tenses!!
"I have choosen..."

History is frequently changed during these exams...
"The world Vietnam war..." - I don't remember it being so broad!

Another case of a bad word choice :-)
"There is a problem in the environment with exhale fumes..."

And the winner of the Master of the Obvious award!! - "The melting ice caps are...melting."

And the award for the most orignal pronunciation:
"MAPPEL SIGHRUP" = maple syrup

And a return for the classic: "There are beers in Canada."

And part of a conversation in a role play: "I would like to book a table in your reservation."

And finally, the last exam brought this gem: "Scotland is the most beautiful part of England."

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